
Does Crying Really Help Eyelash Growth? Exploring the Science Behind the Myth

Have you ever thought about whether crying could give you more than just emotional relief? There’s a buzzing question in beauty circles: does crying make your eyelashes longer? It’s a captivating idea that has many people talking—the notion that shedding tears might lead to longer lashes. But is there any truth behind it? Let’s unravel this interesting topic together, diving into what science says, common beliefs, and clear up some myths along the way. 

“Crying does more than vent emotions; it could be a beauty secret. But is lash growth part of that secret?”

As we explore whether tears could also be a beauty hack, let’s look at what’s true, what’s not, and all that’s in between. So, grab a comfy seat, and let’s dive into this fascinating idea together.

Does Crying Really Help Eyelash Growth? Exploring the Science Behind the Myth

The Science Behind Tears and Eyelash Growth

Ever wondered if crying could give you longer lashes? It’s an interesting thought! But here’s the scoop: Tears, made by your lacrimal glands, are your body’s way of dealing with emotions or irritants. They’re mostly water, with some salt, antibodies, and enzymes. Their main job? To keep your eyes moist and protected, not to grow or feed your lashes. 

Picture eyelash growth like the hair on your head. It goes through three stages: anagen (growth), catagen (transition), and telogen (rest). This is mainly controlled by your genes and overall health, not tears or outside factors. 

Though there’s no evidence that crying makes your lashes grow, focusing on your health is key to keeping them strong. Eat well, clean gently, and avoid harsh makeup. Curious about keeping your lashes in tip-top shape? Learn more about lash health here!

Exploring the Myths: Crying and Longer Lashes

The idea that crying can give you longer eyelashes is a beauty myth that has been around for a long time. You might notice that when you cry, your eyelashes look darker and shinier. That’s because the moisture from your tears coats them and the blood flow stimulated by an emotional release can make them look fuller.

These changes are only temporary and don’t actually make your eyelashes grow. This myth probably sticks around because we often link positive changes to emotional experiences. But really, how long your lashes grow is all about genetics and taking good care of them. So, if you want healthier lashes, it’s better to focus on proven methods rather than hoping for a cosmetic miracle from crying.

Can Tears Nourish Your Eyelashes?

Tears are more than just a sign of emotion; they play a crucial role in keeping your eyes comfy and clear. They act like a built-in moisturizer and protect against irritation. However, if you’re hoping they work wonders on your eyelashes, science begs to differ. Tears are packed with beneficial enzymes, lipids, and proteins, but their main job is to keep your eyes’ surface moist, not to grow lashes. 

Interestingly, shedding a few tears increases blood flow around your eyes. This might make your lashes temporarily look darker and fuller. It’s a quick makeover effect, enhancing how they look rather than actually helping them grow. Some find that this adds a lovely glossy touch to their natural lashes

So, while tears are super important for eye health, pinning them down as a secret ingredient for longer lashes might not be realistic. Think of tears as boosting the wellness of your eyes rather than as a magic potion for lash growth. 

straight eyelash

Are there any experts who have studied the effects of tears on eyelashes?

Eyelash growth is often questioned in relation to tears, but the connection is not a well-researched area. Simply put, eyelashes grow through a natural cycle of growth, rest, and shedding. Generally, this cycle is shaped by factors like your genes, hormones, and overall health, not tears. 

Even though there are experts in dermatology and eye health studying hair growth, there’s no hard evidence linking crying to longer lashes. Usually, these studies focus on how various treatments or health conditions affect hair and eye wellness, rather than tears. 

Anecdotal Claims vs. Scientific Evidence 

Some people claim that crying might help eyelashes grow because it increases moisture or circulation around the eyes. However, these thoughts don’t have strong scientific support. Experts generally agree that while tears are essential for keeping eyes healthy by providing moisture and protection, they don’t directly affect lash length or thickness. 

Boosting Eyelash Growth: What Works? 

If you’re looking to enhance your lashes, dermatologists and beauty gurus suggest using specific products like eyelash serums. These serums often have ingredients like peptides or prostaglandin analogs, which have shown some success in promoting lash growth. 

woman left eye

Emotional Release: Benefits of Crying for Beauty

Did you know that crying, a response to our emotions, might bring surprising beauty perks? While the idea of tears enhancing your looks might sound far-fetched, there’s something to gain from the ways emotional release can enhance beauty. Here’s how: 

  • Clearer Skin: Emotional tears are different from those caused by irritants. They help release toxins and cleanse your skin, giving you a fresher look.
  • Happy Hormones: Crying releases endorphins, those feel-good hormones, which may reduce stress-related skin issues and keep your complexion glowing.
  • Facial Glow: Crying increases blood flow to your face, which can add a natural glow and make your skin look healthier.

Even though tears might not make your lashes longer, don’t overlook the beauty benefits of crying. It’s a gentle reminder to appreciate the natural processes your body goes through, highlighting how emotional well-being can reflect on your physical appearance.

Understanding Eyelash Growth: What Really Works

Understanding eyelash growth starts with its natural cycle:  

  • Anagen: The growth phase.
  • Catagen: The transition phase.
  • Telogen: The resting phase.

Does crying lengthen lashes? Not really! Despite the rumors, no research shows that tears help eyelashes grow longer. 

Here’s What Can Help: 

1. Healthy Diet 

Eat foods rich in biotin and essential fatty acids:  

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Eggs
  • Green leafy veggies


2. Proper Eyelash Care  

  • Remove eye makeup gently every night to avoid breakage.
  • Consider eyelash serums to nourish and extend the growth phase.


Combine a good diet, gentle care, and maybe a trusty serum. You’ll boost your lashes without falling for the crying myth. 

Enhancing your lashes naturally is a blend of right care and realistic expectations! Discover more about it here.

Natural Ways to Enhance Your Eyelashes

There are several natural methods you may explore to give your eyelashes the extra boost they deserve. A balanced diet enriched with essential vitamins, especially biotin, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids, plays a vital role in supporting the health and growth of your eyelashes. Consider incorporating foods such as nuts, seeds, and leafy greens to promote stronger lashes from the inside out. 

Nurturing your lashes with natural oils is another popular and effective technique. Oils like castor oil and coconut oil are known for their moisturizing properties and can be applied directly to your lashes using a clean mascara brush. These oils help in hydrating and lengthening, although results can vary from person to person. 

Regularly brushing your eyelashes with a soft, clean eyelash brush can also improve blood circulation around the follicle area, potentially stimulating growth. Just like your brows and hair, keeping your lashes groomed can go a long way in maintaining their health. 

For those looking for an extra boost, eyelash serums are formulated specifically to enhance lash growth and density. These serums often contain similar ingredients found in natural oils, along with added peptides and proteins to strengthen lashes over time. 

As you explore these natural avenues, remember that patience is key. Lashes grow in cycles, and it may take several weeks to notice significant changes. However, with regular care and attention, you’re on track to achieving longer, healthier lashes naturally.

Tears as a Beauty Elixir: Fact or Fiction?

Ever found yourself wondering if those heartfelt tears could also work as a secret beauty treatment? The idea that crying might lead to longer and more luscious eyelashes is certainly appealing. But here’s the real scoop: scientifically, it’s just not true. Tears mainly consist of water, plus a few essential minerals and proteins. While they’re fantastic for keeping your eyes clean and healthy, they don’t have the magic needed for eyelash growth. 

So, where does this myth come from? It could be that after crying, your lashes seem healthier, tricking people into thinking there’s a connection. The shiny look that comes from tears might temporarily make eyelashes seem thicker or shinier, but this is just a fleeting effect. 

In reality, the substances that could help in real eyelash growth—like biotin or keratin—aren’t found in tears in any significant way. Tears do a great job of keeping your eyes healthy and moisturized but don’t contain the right nutrients to grow your lashes. 

So, while tears have their healing powers, using them as a beauty hack for lash growth is pure myth. To truly care for your beautiful lashes, stick to regular routines. This means cleaning them gently, steering clear of harsh makeup removers, and maybe adding in some trusted eyelash serums or natural oils for that extra boost.

lash growth serum

Lash Growth Serum

Tips for Maintaining Healthy, Long Eyelashes

Want long, lush lashes? Here’s how! 😊 

1. Gentle Cleaning: Keep your lashes clean! Use a mild cleanser to remove makeup and debris. This helps prevent irritation and breakage. 💧 

2. Nourishing Serums: Try eyelash serums! They nourish the lashes, promoting stronger growth. Apply them regularly and be patient. Results take time! 🌿 

3. Balanced Diet: Eat well! Vitamins like biotin, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids are great for lash health. Choose foods rich in these or consider supplements. 🍎 

4. Stress Management: Less stress, happier lashes! Techniques like yoga, meditation, or walking can help. Try them! 😌 

5. Choose Products Wisely: Avoid harsh chemicals! Use eyelash-friendly products and always remove makeup before bed. Let your lashes breathe. 💄 

Follow these tips and your lashes will stay strong, healthy, and beautiful. You’re investing in their health! 🌟

Alternative Methods for Eyelash Enhancement

While the notion of crying your way to longer lashes has its charm, there are smarter ways to enhance them. Start with an eyelash serum in your daily routine. These serums are packed with ingredients like peptides and natural oils that really get to work on strengthening and lengthening your lashes. 

Want instant results? Eyelash extensions could be your go-to. A professional can apply these to give you that fuller, longer lash look you’ll adore waking up to. Just remember, they’re not permanent and need regular touch-ups. 

If you’re looking for a scientifically supported method, try Latisse. It’s FDA-approved to make your lashes longer, thicker, and darker. Ensure you use it as your dermatologist directs for the best results without side effects. 

Healthy, strong lashes come from a well-rounded approach. Eating well, properly removing eye makeup, and applying regular conditioning can really enhance your lash game. Avoid tugging at them, and use gentle products to nurture them naturally.

lash serum before vs after


The thought of tears magically giving you longer lashes is enticing, but let’s face it—it’s more myth than magic. Eyelash growth is a complex process influenced by many factors beyond a good cry. If you want those lush lashes you dream about, rely on proven methods and healthy habits instead. 

Curious about ways to get real results or want to bust some eyelash myths? Reach out to UbLash! Our team is here to help you achieve those dreamy eyelashes with techniques backed by science. Say goodbye to myths and hello to beautiful lashes with UbLash by your side! 

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Hi, I’m Fanny, the author of this post.

Over the past 5 years, we have assisted numerous lash salons and technicians across 20 countries to build their lash brand and grow their businesses with high-quality lash extension products.

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out for a free consultation or to discuss tailored solutions for your business needs.


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