
Must-Have Policies for Lash Technicians: A Comprehensive Guide


Starting a career as a lash tech isn’t just about learning how to apply eyelash extensions. It’s also about creating a professional and safe place for your clients. Policies help with this. They protect your business and make sure clients always have a great experience. 

“Good policies are more than just rules; they’re the backbone of a successful lash business.”

In this article, we’ll look at the key policies every lash tech should have. From client consultations to aftercare instructions, we’ll cover the basics to help you build trust and keep high standards in your work.



What are the key client consent policies?

Client consent policies are vital for lash techs to ensure clients know and agree to the procedures. Here are some key policies you shouldn’t overlook: 

1. Informed Consent Form 

This form explains the lash extension process, the products used, and any possible risks. Clients should read and sign this before any service.  

2. Medical History and Allergy Questionnaire 

Collecting information about the client’s health, including allergies and medications, this form ensures a safe lash extension process and helps to avoid any adverse reactions. 

3. Photo and Video Release Form 

This form gives the lash tech permission to use photos or videos of the client’s lashes for marketing or educational purposes. It should explain how the images will be used and respect the client’s privacy.  

4. Aftercare Agreement 

This document provides clients with detailed aftercare instructions to keep their lash extensions in good condition. Clients should acknowledge that they have received and understand these instructions. 

5. Cancellation and No-Show Policy 

This policy informs clients about the terms for canceling, rescheduling, and missing appointments, detailing any fees for last-minute cancellations or no-shows. This helps protect the lash tech’s time and business. 


Appointment Scheduling and Cancellations

Keeping appointments running smoothly is key to a successful lash tech business. Clients should book their appointments ahead of time to get their desired time slots. A deposit is required to confirm your appointment. 

Must-Have Policies for Lash Technicians: A Comprehensive Guide

Please give us at least 24 hours’ notice if you need to cancel. If you cancel late, you might lose your deposit. To cancel or reschedule, contact us directly. If we do not hear from you within 15 minutes of your appointment time, it will be canceled. 

“60% of clients prefer lash techs who have a cancellation policy”

Respecting the appointment schedule is important. If you expect to be late, let us know as soon as you can. If you are more than 15 minutes late without prior notice, your appointment will be canceled and marked as a no-show. 

Please try to arrive on time, or even 5-10 minutes early. To maintain a calm environment, we discourage bringing extra people or children to your appointment.


Client Consultation and Consent

Before starting any lash extension session, it’s crucial to have a client consultation. This helps you understand your client’s needs, preferences, and any health issues or allergies. A good consultation ensures you provide the best service and protect your business from potential disputes. 

Complete Client Consent Form: Make sure every client fills out a consent form. This form should include personal details, medical history, and consent for the procedure. For minors, parental or legal guardian consent is required before any services are performed. 

Discuss Allergies and Sensitivities: Ask about any allergies or sensitivities to adhesive or lash materials. Be ready to adjust your products and techniques. For pregnant clients, require a release from a licensed medical provider to ensure safe treatment. 

Review and Update Policies: Make sure your clients and staff are aware of any policy changes. Consider having a sign in your studio that highlights key policies. Good communication helps maintain a strong client-technician relationship, and your clients will appreciate these standards. 

By setting clear expectations through a detailed consultation and consent process, you create a transparent and professional environment where clients feel valued and informed.


Late Arrival and No-Show Policies

Punctuality is crucial in maintaining a smooth schedule and ensuring that every client receives the high level of service they expect. For late arrivals, define a clear grace period—typically, clients arriving more than ten minutes late for a volume set or fifteen minutes late for a full set of lashes may need to reschedule. This helps to avoid rushed work and maintains the quality of your services. 

Late Client Protocol: It’s important to communicate your lateness policy clearly during the booking process. Remind clients to arrive 5-10 minutes early to complete any necessary paperwork or to discuss their preferences. If a client anticipates being late, they should inform you as soon as possible. If their late arrival exceeds the grace period, offer to reschedule their appointment, emphasizing that the full service fee might still apply. 

80% of lash techs believe that having a late arrival policy improves scheduling efficiency”

No-Show Policy: No-show clients can significantly disrupt your schedule and financial planning. Implement a policy where clients are charged 100% of the scheduled service fee for missed appointments without prior cancellation notice. It’s helpful to send appointment reminders through email or text messages to minimize no-shows. 

Reiterate to your clients that their time, as well as yours, is valuable. Establishing and upholding these policies will ensure that all your clients, including those who arrive punctually, enjoy a consistent and top-quality experience. 


Hygiene and Safety Standards

Keeping high hygiene and safety standards is a must for a successful lash tech business. It starts with a clean and tidy workspace. This shows your commitment to professionalism and client care. Make sure to disinfect your tools and workstations before and after each client. This reduces the risk of infections and gives your clients peace of mind. 

Use high-quality, hypoallergenic products to keep everyone safe. Do patch tests when needed to check for allergic reactions. Have safety items like hand sanitizers, disposable face masks, and gloves in your salon. Always wash your hands before every appointment. 

Let your clients know why hygiene is important in your services. Show your hygiene rules clearly in your studio and on your website. Being open about these practices builds trust and shows your clients that you care about their health and safety. Sticking to these standards will keep clients safe and boost your reputation as a reliable lash technician.


Payment and Refund Policies

Clear payment policies help avoid misunderstandings. Let clients know which payment methods you accept, like credit cards, cash, or mobile payments. For new clients, consider asking for a $75 deposit to secure their appointment. This deposit can be non-refundable if they cancel less than 24 hours before the appointment. This helps minimize last-minute cancellations and ensures client’s commitment.  

Your refund policy should also be easy to understand. Inform clients about the conditions for refunds: 

  • You might choose not to offer refunds at all, even if a client is unhappy with their results or has an allergic reaction.

This policy protects your business from potential losses and sets clear client expectations. 

Make sure these policies are communicated well. Share them when clients book, include them in confirmation and reminder messages, and make them easy to find on your website or booking platform. Being upfront about your policies builds trust and transparency with your clients.


Aftercare Instructions and Follow-Up

Once your lash set is done, your aftercare journey starts. Proper aftercare is important to make sure your extensions last long and your natural lashes stay healthy. Follow these simple tips: 

  • Avoid water: Keep your lashes dry for the first 24-48 hours to let the glue set. No swimming, saunas, or steam rooms during this time.
  • Be gentle: Don’t rub your eyes or pull on your lashes. Always be gentle around your eyes.
  • Use oil-free products: Make sure all your skincare and makeup removers are oil-free. Oil can weaken the glue.
  • Brush daily: Use a clean spoolie brush to gently brush your lashes each day. This keeps them neat and untangled.
  • Avoid heat: Keep your lashes away from direct heat like hair dryers, ovens, or grills.

Following these steps will help keep your lashes looking great for longer. If you have any issues like extreme lash fallout, contact us within 48 hours and send pictures for us to check. 

We want you to have the best experience and results. If you have any questions or need more tips on aftercare, feel free to ask. Your satisfaction matters to us!


Allergy and Sensitivity Protocols

It’s important to remember that every client may react differently to lash products. Having solid allergy and sensitivity protocols protects your client’s health and your reputation. Make sure each client fills out a consent form before their appointment. This form should ask about their known allergies and past reactions to beauty products. 

Conduct a patch test at least 24-48 hours before the full appointment, especially for new clients or those with sensitive skin. This simple test can prevent serious allergic reactions and reassure clients about your service. 

lash glue patch test

If an allergic reaction happens, have a clear plan. This includes offering a free removal service to ease discomfort and avoid more issues. Clearly state in your policy that while you will remove the lashes for free, refunds are not provided. Being upfront about this policy ensures clients understand their responsibilities and the risks involved. 

Also, teach your clients how to spot early signs of an allergic reaction, like redness, itching, or swelling. Encourage them to contact you right away if they notice these symptoms. Keeping open communication can stop small issues from becoming big problems. 

By following these steps, you show clients that their safety is your top priority, building trust and loyalty. Good clients will value your professionalism and the efforts you take to ensure their safety.


Product and Service Guarantees

One of the best things you can offer your clients is a strong guarantee on your products and services. Such guarantees show confidence in your skills and help build trust with your clients. 

Importance of Guarantees: Guarantees give clients peace of mind, knowing they have options if something goes wrong. A clear guarantee policy can turn a bad situation into a good one by showing you stand behind your work and care about client satisfaction. 

Service Guarantees: Explain what you guarantee about your service. For example, guarantee that lash extensions will last for a certain number of weeks if aftercare instructions are followed. Be clear about the conditions for the guarantee, like proper maintenance and timely touch-ups. 

Product Guarantees: If you sell products like lash care solutions or cosmetics, offer a guarantee for those items. This could be a money-back guarantee or a promise to replace defective items. Specify the return timeframe and conditions for refunds or replacements. 

Limitations and Exclusions: Clearly state any limits or exclusions to your guarantees. For example, damage caused by client neglect, poor aftercare, or undisclosed allergies should be excluded. Make sure these terms are easy to find and explained during the initial consultation. 

Implementing these guarantees shows your commitment and professionalism in the lash industry. Regularly review and update your guarantee policies to match changes in products, services, or common client concerns, ensuring top-notch customer service.


Training and Certification Requirements

Keeping your skills sharp is essential as a lash technician. This means regular training and certification are a must. Clients trust you with their look and safety, so ongoing education helps you meet their expectations.  

Initial Certification: Before starting, get certified by a recognized institution. This gives you the basic knowledge and skills you need to provide excellent services. Pick a reputable course that covers key topics like lash application techniques, hygiene standards, and client care.  

Continuing Education: The beauty industry changes fast. Styles evolve, new techniques arise, and products improve. Keeping up with continuous education is crucial. Set aside time each year for advanced courses, workshops, or online training. This updates your skills, ensuring you offer the latest lash trends to your clients.  

Certifications and Client Trust: Display your certifications proudly in your salon or online. This builds client trust and shows your dedication to professional growth. Many clients prefer certified lash techs, knowing it means better service.  

In the end, ongoing training and certification are about more than just compliance; they’re about competing in the market and showing your commitment to excellence. By investing in your education, you’re not just improving your skills but also building client relationships based on trust and high-quality service.


Emergency Procedures and Contact Information

As a dedicated lash tech, keeping both your clients and staff safe is key. Having clear steps for emergencies and the right contact info can be a game-changer. 

Emergency Contact Information 

Collect emergency contact details from each client during their first visit, and keep this info private. Also, have local emergency numbers and the nearest hospital’s contact info easy to find in your studio. 


lash salon first aid

First Aid and Emergency Supplies 

Your salon should have a well-stocked first aid kit with basics like bandages, antiseptics, eye wash, and gloves. Make sure you and your staff know where the kit is and how to use it. 

Fire Safety 

  • Install and regularly check smoke detectors.
  • Keep fire extinguishers handy and ensure staff know how to use them.
  • Mark emergency exits clearly and keep them clear.

Handling Medical Emergencies 

If a client has a medical emergency, stay calm and act quickly. Call emergency services and give them clear info about the situation and your salon’s location. Encourage clients to share any medical conditions or allergies they have. 

Communicating with Clients 

If there’s a major emergency, use your client database to send notifications. Email, text messages, and social media are all good ways to keep clients updated about appointment changes or safety measures. 

Being prepared for emergencies shows your clients you care. It helps build trust and ensures everyone’s safety.



Having clear policies is crucial for any lash tech. These rules protect your business and make sure clients have a good experience. The secret to good policy enforcement is communication. Explain your policies during the client consultation so everyone knows what to expect.  

Consistency is also important. Every time a policy is broken, there should be a consequence, and it should always be the same. This builds a professional environment where clients respect your work. Good clients will follow well-explained policies, which will boost your reputation.  

Only in rare, extreme cases should you consider waiving a consequence. If you do, clearly explain why to avoid setting a negative example. By keeping these standards, you can focus on providing excellent service and achieving the beautiful results your clients want.  

Following these rules will help you avoid misunderstandings and create an atmosphere of trust and respect. This will lead to a more successful and enjoyable career in the lash industry.  

Happy lashing!

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Lash Technician

Hi, I’m Fanny, the author of this post.

Over the past 5 years, we have assisted numerous lash salons and technicians across 20 countries to build their lash brand and grow their businesses with high-quality lash extension products.

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out for a free consultation or to discuss tailored solutions for your business needs.


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